Join us for Local Yarn Store Day! April 26th, 2025

British Made


British Made by Lisa Richardson is a pattern book with 13 projects that celebrate British yarns with garments and accessories that look and feel at home in the Yorkshire landscape. Within the pages of this book, you will find colorwork and cables adorning sweaters, hats, scarves, and legwarmers. Knit in Rowan Moordale and Valley Tweed, both thoroughly British yarns in the Rowan lineup, these projects are both beautifully modern and timelessly classic. Knit up your cozy winter wardrobe with British Made! 


Popular knitwear designer Lisa Richardson is a name instantly associated with the Rowan pattern house. With a background in tailoring and homewares, Lisa joined Rowan in 2003. Inspired by shape and texture, Lisa’s designs showcase interesting stitch details, unique garment structure and stylish techniques with a classically understated, yet innovative brilliance reflected in the global status she now commands.

As Senior Designer and Technical Manager Lisa manages the Rowan pattern editing process, mentors newer members of the design team, and art directs and styles the shoots for the magazine and pattern brochures. Lisa’s work may seem all-consuming but she still manages to squeeze in time to enjoy running, climbing, biking, swimming…basically anything outdoors. Lisa admits to leading a very busy day-to-day existence, but cites her biggest drive as helping people create something that they will cherish for years to come, a philosophy that perfectly epitomises why her designs are so popular with Rowan knitters today.