Upcoming Events

4 Day KAL

Date: Pattern preorder is available now, and cast on day is July 3rd! 



 We love joining in the Olive Knits 4 Day KAL each year! This year's pattern "Spill the Tea" is a v-neck top with easy lace designs. It's the perfect warm weather top that can be layered for fall and winter! 

While the 4 Day KAL was originally inspired by a long weekend that Marie Greene challenged herself to complete a sweater, it is not a requirement to knit yours in 4 days! In fact, it has now turned into a month-long event with the idea of challenging yourself to knit a sweater faster than you thought you could. 

To help plan your project, we’ve assembled kits and color combos we think look fabulous. Each kit includes yarn in coordinating colors for Spill the Tea, a fun project bag, and a Flying Bird Botanicals tea sachet. Cost is 15% off the price of the included yarn. If you need more or fewer skeins, let us know, and we’ll do our best to accommodate. 

See our kits here! 


Elah KAL

 Dates: Sat. April 6- Sat. September 7


We’ll be taking our time to knit this cardigan by Elisabeth Kraemer. That way when sweater weather rolls around, we’re ready to show off! Elah is done in worsted weight yarn, in one piece top down. The sleeves are added after working the body. Since it’s a drop sleeve, when you get there, you’re almost done! The pattern sample is in Brooklym Tweed Imbue, and our shop sample is in Woolfolk Far (a dk that knits as a worsted). Other recommendations are Brooklyn Tweed Shelter & Tones, Quince & Co Crane, Knitting for Olive Heavy Merino & Erika Knight Wild Wool. When you purchase your sweater quantity for the KAL, you’ll receive 15% off! We’ll meet periodically for questions, show & tell, plus have drawings & prizes throughout. We hope you’ll join us!

Let us know you plan to join the KAL right here. 


Weekly Ongoing Events

Open Knit/Crochet Time 

Dates: Wednesdays 11:00 am - 1:00 pm and Fridays 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm 
Cost: None

Whether it’s knitting, crochet, or embroidery, you’re welcome to stop in during these times, make some progress on a project and get to know your Local Yarn Shop Community. This is a time set aside for what unites us, not what divides us. ALL are welcome!



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