Linen Lavender Bags

Corinne Lapierre

  • $24.00
    Unit price per 

Only 2 left!

Create your own beautifully embroidered lavender bags with everything you needed included in this kit. 
These linen bags can be used in drawers or wardrobes for a lovely lavender scent. 


All the instructions and templates for the delicate embroidery and appliqué detail are provided. 

These can also be monogrammed and would make a lovely personal gift! 


Kit includes:
Illustrated instructions, full-scale templates and stitch guide
Individually wrapped embroidery needle
12 coordinated DMC embroidery thread, 1.20m each
50 x 25 cm piece of natural flax linen in light beige
4 pieces of wool mix felt (45% wool, 55% viscose) 
50g of dried lavender buds
15 g toy filling

    Each bag measures 10 x 10cm

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